Jon Morse has extensive experience in aviation matters, both transactions and lawsuits, during the past 38 years. Some of the most pertinent matters include the following:
- Mr. Morse represented a non US citizen who purchased a turbine powered aircraft and wanted to retain United States Registry. Under the laws of the United States, non US Citizens cannot own a US registered aircraft. Accordingly, the purchase was structured with title being held by Bank of Utah, subject to an Operating Agreement giving the real owner the right to own and operate the aircraft subject to certain restrictions, with the Bank holding sole power to convey title to a new owner, and with the concurrent responsibility not to convey title to certain foreign persons and entities.
- Mr. Morse drafted an Aircraft Lease Agreement for an aircraft owner to allow the aircraft to be used by a charter operator. The Lease Agreement was prepared to ensure that the owner and operator were in compliance with the requirements that the operator retain operational control during charter operations, and the agreement was accepted by the FAA.
- Mr. Morse has drafted aircraft co ownership agreements for partners holding a partial interest in an airplane. These agreements were prepared to ensure that the duties and responsibilities of each were defined, and to provide a mechanism to break a 50-50 tie in the event of a deadlock.